Beatrice Baragli, The Kiutu Incantation-Prayers: A Literary Genre Inspired by a Single Composition (October 2019)
Manuel Molina, The Umma Geography Project (September 2019)
Céline Debourse, Late Babylonian Priestly Literature: Corpora, Concepts, Context (December 2018)
Nicole Brisch, Remarks on Religious Rituals in Early Mesopotamia (November 2018)
Adelheid Otto, Settlements and Households in Southern Mesopotamia: New Research at Fara & Ur (September 2018)
Martin Worthington, Unstirred Depths and the Bubbles of Mesopotamian Orality (April 2018)
Mark Weeden, Towards a Hittie Hermeneutics? (April 2018)
Andrew George, Father Sky and Mother Earth: From Sumer to Berossus (April 2018)
Daniel Schwemer, Of Gods and Goats, Witches and Kings (March 2018)